Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Person That I miss the Mostt!

ehh, you know what? i feel like i always wanna write in my blog. My feelings is now okay, i miss many people right now. that is my own brother whom is at the asrama. :'( and i miss my adik angkat, that is Sheena. Oh, i miss her. she is nice and prettay too. :D Every time i got a problem, i told her everything and later i feel fresh! Awwhh. :) since cocuricular are finished, i can't meet her again as she is schooling in evening session. :'( and im in morning session. damn sad lahh. T.T
3rdly, i miss my silly friend, that is Ruuuddd. HAHAH! we just having a liltle bit chit chat but he has to go back home. and i pity with his condition right noww. he's accident bcuz of riding a motorcycle.
Lastly, i miss my bestfriend. lately, she can't always online bcuz of her laptop was missing or something like that. now, she is using her dad's lappy. HAHA! I MISS youu lahh. And last but not least, i miss my special one so called "Bagaimana" HAHAH! i will be missing him during the school holidays. Erghh.. That's all i think. :D