Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Friendship or Love?!?

Hey ya! i think its kinda long time i didn't update my blogg! as i was in stressed condition that was examination dayy. -.-'
Tell you what?? Why is the title is friendship or lovee? it is because im in complicated feelings right now. T.T
Act, lately, i am closed with a guy. since he disturb me by saying to me about someone that i likes before. starting from that, we became close. and im just kidding at what im telling him. Then, once my b'day arrived, he gave me a present and i feel like he appreciate me. and i feel like i should give him something too on the day of his b'day and yeah i gave him a wallet. and i can't believe that he liked it!
And you know what? i feel like i likes him. but i don't really know bout that. And i didn't realise that while im being friend with him there is a special feelings towards him. Omgod! =.='
but i think its better that we just be friends. because i know he would not have that feelings towardss me.
so, im not hoping at all. What for hoping for someone whom are not into me right? HAHA. but im happy be friend with him! Hey, thank you yea! :D