Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Its June! ;D

Wow! how time flies fast! its already June! The day of SPM is nearer. Okay, im scare about that. Because i think i'm not ready yet for that. :/ Eyyy, What's interesting in June yea? Nothing maybe. Just a boring month. April's and May have gone. April is my favourite month.

Its school holidays right now. Planning a vacation? hmm.. mama said that we are going to Singapore this Friday,3 June 2011! Me and my family are going to enjoy it. hope so. Firstly, my family had planned a vacation with our cousins. but its all cancle. because of i don't really know. so, lastly, we go for the vacation for our own.

Holidays.? Grrr.. many homework. so called "cuti terancang". Hate it. Plus with the folio's! Arghhh.. can we have a sweet holidays without the homeworks? Can we? I guess its all for right now. :)