Monday, May 30, 2011

Over All of My Life.

Heyyy, i really-really need to write here, in my blog. its confuse me. i hate this! why am i always have to feel this kind of feelings which i don't like it so much. :((

Yesterday, hmm.. i chat with my friend so called "bagaimana". Guess wht? he called me Darling? HAHA! he called me like that when i chat with him. xD. Its my feeling. why am i feel lke sometimes, i like him but sometimes i feel like i didn't like him. When i feel i like him, i would tell people that i like him. but if no, i would tell that i didn't like him. -.-

Okay, back to the main topic. my life? hmmm.. it is very complicated if i tell it one by one. Every day i feel sadness is more than happiness. The sadness which lead to cryness. and started to blame me, myself and other that are innocent.. sorry for that, guys. :(

But, i love my family which are very kind and love me very much. :) I love them. They motivated me and give me a new spirit when i feel give up. and they are also the place where i   tell they about all my problems. Anyway, i love you Mummy, Abah, Amani, Luqman, Syaqira and Syamsinar. Sheena, i love her like my own sister. Remember that, Adik. :)
That's all i guess. Byee. ;)

Awhh.. i love you guys! Thank you yea! :D 
I love you all till the end of my life. :)