Friday, April 22, 2011

Sad, Awsome Day Everr!! :O

Hello there..
uhmmm.. today's tittle kinda weird right? its all about today's story, dat is surprise party for my brother, Muhammad Aqil Amani whom will pindah sekolahh. and at the first, my adik angkat. she shaked hand with my brother and tears came out from her eyes.. and im cried too. :( Then, someone make me feel more sad. he sang song dat make my tears can't stop. err... Rusydi!! Ahahahah.... even though he's make me annoyed but i love him like i love my own brother.. :D and i feel like pitiying him and i asked him a question. and i asked that question to him and he had answered it. and i feel much more better. and he is kinda sweet bcuz he help me angkat my brother's stuff. =.=" dat are so much of it! padahal i can angkat it but he's willing to help. so, what can i do? bhahahaha.. and we loitering at the pondok beside bilik kaunseling. We ate cake that are bought by Syahirah Iman. Thank youu. It was delicious. :D and thank youu Nurul Syamsinar. :) And Muhammad Rusydi too. :D even he memalukan me but it was fun kejar2 with him actually. Sayang all of youu.. And tak lupa Muhammad Aqil Amani. LOVE ALL OF YOUU!!!!
You all make my day wayy better. =)