Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Complicated Life!!

It had been 1 months i've started school as i'm in a long holidays. Since 2011, many things happend to me.
As example. i dunno why this year, the person dat i've really lovee him before, love to appear infront of me.
At the first, i felt like OMG. why la he is always appear infront of me. Felt likee so boringg cuz every time or should i said every minutes he appear in front of me. and i've hate him before actually.
But now... dat hate feeling are gone. whyy? i dun really know bout it. what i know now is, i can't hate him.
everyone said to me dat he loves me but i know he wouldn't lovee me at all.
But whyy? why is my feeling diffrent like when i'm in Form 2? why am i nt lovees him as crazy as i'm in form 2??
I'm in complicated feeling now. Someone!! please help me. ;(