Saturday, October 1, 2011

The New of Me. =)

Hello there, long time i don't write in my blogg. hmm. actually, i don't have idea what to write here. :(
The new me? means my heart is not taken by anyone. which means i don't admire someone this time. :)
i feel great. act, i am kinda busy right now. SPM is around the corner. and mybe because of that, i think that i have to stop admiring people. just focus at my study first. :D
but lately, i am damn obses with Nada Cinta. its an indonesian story. mybe it is because that story is just the same like High School Musical. :)

Wanna see the new me? sure. hehe. nahh..

Hello there, i am Syafiqah. you can call me eyka. :)

 think thats all for today. Kbye people. :) i love you guysss. :DD