Friday, May 27, 2011

27 May 2011 (Hari Guru Celebration) =)

Firstly, i thought of not going to the school for the hari guru celebration. But i change my mind as i knew that my lovely sister go. As today school is only on one session that is morning session. :) 

As i reached the school, grr.. its raining. and we have to naik 1st floor. yea because its raining lah kan? and the most boring things is we have to hear all the teacher's ucapan. Grr.. dah lah panjang-panjang. -.-' but the most interesting part is all the performers! Awhh. all is the best! :D Especially the band! The Drummer, Gan! You are really awsome.. Great performers you all. 

After the recess, i went came nearer to my sister! and we were just talking, talking and talking. :) awhh. And im talking much with Rusydi too. Aww.. miss that momments! :D 

Loitering with sheena and Rudy is the most happening thing. Rudy haha.. he is always following me and sheena from the back. Rudy, awhh.. he said that i'm cute. Thank youu, adik.. 

The conclusion is, today was the awsomest day ever! thank you everybody!
thank you rudy, sheena and banyak lagi lah. Oppssyy, i forgot to say something. Happy Teachers day to all my dear teachers. I love you (but not all lah) :P