Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 day outtingg with My familly :D

Yesterday, 30 of November is the day i went out with my family. =D We went to Kuala Klawang, Jelebu
actually, yesterday my bro, aqil amani had to do umm.. Ujian untuk masuk MRSM i guess.. hahaaa
but unfortunately, those kind of place were truelyy KAMPUNG! errghhh.. >.<
There were nothinn there. even KFC, Pizza and etc x de theree.. but lastly, we went and visited a place called ''Muzium Adat''.
As my bro finished did the ujian, we came and visited Sekolah Sultan Alamsyah. the school pon mybe he nak masuk kot. ha..ha.ha..
After a few minutes, we decided to go shopping complexes that is Alamanda. cari-cair makan there.. =)
Lastly, we ate at Mc Donald!( Love the Mc Flurry! yummyumm) Ngee~
I enjoyed went there.